Now that the New Year is upon us, it is time to close our eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine that we will soon be on our own tropical vacation this coming summer in the Beautiful South Pacific. Visit the beautiful sights of Hawaii for a week. You can visit one island, or do as many happy vacationers do: They Island Hop via plane!!! Island hopping is relatively affordable. Just visit our sponsors on this page to get the details and great deals on Hawaii!!! Then fly or cruise to Guam or the Philippines for another week. Guam, much like Hawaii, offers a Paradise here on Earth! Experience the rich traditions of Guam and enjoy the hospitality of the islanders. After a few days or a week in Guam, travel to the beautiful paradise Province of Bohol, Philippines. It's rich culture, heritage, and the friendly people you will experience here are sure to fill your memory with a lifetime of joy, peace, and serenity!
Why wait for the spring or summer to arrive. Book your vacation now with our sponsors and prepare yourself for the experience that many only dare to dream!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Aloha . . . .

Merry Christmas!!!

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